City of Zachary Will Soon See Planned Pedestrian Improvements Along Mt. Pleasant Road
Posted by zachary on March 10, 2023
Drivers traveling on Mt. Pleasant will soon notice a speed zone posted for 35 mph near the intersection of Hwy. 964/Mt. Pleasant. The current speed limit in this area is 45 mph. This recommendation results from a professional Traffic Engineering Study performed on Mt. Pleasant Road to eventually install a pedestrian crossing.
Our community has seen extensive growth, and according to traffic studies, there are approximately 10,000 vehicles per day traveling through this area. During peak baseball season, these numbers escalate on weekends due to the large tournaments held at Zachary Youth Park. As we move toward future economic development, we recognize the need to manage our transportation needs.
Other planned projects are an enhanced pedestrian crosswalk, allowing pedestrians to cross Mt. Pleasant Road safely. Providing connectivity with a planned pedestrian crossing near the ballpark, a sidewalk on the north side of La 64 between the crosswalk and the signal, and a sidewalk on the south side of LA 64 east of the traffic signal promoting walkability is an awarded project partially sponsored by the Move BR Program.
This project is a joint effort by the City of Zachary and East Baton Rouge Parish, with the assistance of Metropolitan Councilman Brandon Noel. The MOVEBR Transportation and Infrastructure Improvements Program is the most significant transportation infrastructure investment in East Baton Rouge Parish history. The ½ cent sales tax proposition was approved by East Baton Rouge Parish voters on December 8, 2018. As part of the MOVEBR Program budget for transportation infrastructure improvements, $49 million of the available funds were allocated for Future Community Enhancement (FCE) Projects.