Dana LeJeune Receives Louisiana Master Municipal Clerk Status
Posted by zachary on April 20, 2023

Congratulations to Dana LeJeune, Zachary Clerk of Council who recently received a Louisiana Master Municipal Clerk Status at the Spring Louisiana Municipal Clerk Conference.
The Louisiana Municipal Clerks Association (LMCA) was established in April 22, 1955 and is governed by the LMCA Executive Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consist of local municipal clerks from across the state of Louisiana. The LMCA provides its membership with educational opportunities through their Louisiana Municipal Clerks spring conference and fall institute. The purpose of the Institute is to provide educational opportunities for its members to earn points toward their Louisiana Certified Municipal Clerks (LCMC) and Louisiana Master Municipal Clerk (LMMC). Clerks may also participate in the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Association.
On October 15, 2018, Dana received her LCMC certification and just recently received her LMMC certification on April 14, 2023.
“The City of Zachary is proud of Dana’s dedication to earning this very prestigious status. Her years of hard work and commitment are much appreciated, and we are blessed to have someone with so much knowledge and professionalism serve as our Clerk to Council”, says Deanna Mankins, Chief Financial Officer.
The next level of certification will be with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.